Recovery as a Service

Recovery as a Service (RaaS) is the process of storing and protecting data while providing standby computing capacity on demand to facilitate rapid recovery.

What is Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR)?

What is Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR)?

What Is Cloud Disaster Recovery? Often shortened to Cloud DR, disaster recovery is a plan put into place in case a disaster hits. Cloud DR refers to the component in your disaster recovery plan that involves the use of a cloud backup environment. The Cloud Component...

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WAN Acceleration for all Cloud Disaster Recovery Customers

WAN Acceleration for all Cloud Disaster Recovery Customers

Global Data Vault is adding “WAN Acceleration” for our customers with physical servers – we already provide this for virtual environments and the results have been terrific – in some cases data is now moving 50 times faster. So now we’re adding it for all of our Cloud...

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Restore Point Console

Restore Point Console

Global Data Vault’s Cloud Disaster Recovery Restore Point Console Our web based portal shows your data protection status with drill downs to the available restore points. The restore point console runs on any browser and is tablet/mobile compatible. What's Shown Here:...

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RPO and RTO Monitoring

RPO and RTO Monitoring

A critical step in creating a disaster recovery solution is determining your RPO (restore point objective) and your RTO (restore time objective). In essence, these are the point in time that you need your data recovered to, and how fast you need to achieve that...

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The Benefits of Cloud Disaster Recovery

The Benefits of Cloud Disaster Recovery

In our earlier post, Cloud Disaster Recovery – Why the hype?,  we took gave a basic definition of cloud disaster recovery and took a look at how Cloud DR compared with traditional disaster recovery solutions.  In this second installment, we discuss the benefits of...

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Cloud Disaster Recovery – Why the hype?

Cloud Disaster Recovery – Why the hype?

Cloud Storage Services  There’s a lot of buzz around cloud services. Everything from accounting to telecommunications to everyday computing with virtual desktops, it’s all moving to the cloud. It’s not the wave of the future - it’s what’s happening now. Companies are...

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What went wrong in the days before Super Storm Sandy?

What went wrong in the days before Super Storm Sandy?

“Not only were many firms unsure about whether their galoshes were waterproof,” Bart Chilton, the regulator at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission said, “they hadn’t even tried them on.” Chilton’s sharp-tongued critique is in response to the apparent lack of...

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Data Center Exposure and Recovery in New York City

Data Center Exposure and Recovery in New York City

Hurricane Sandy provided a fascinating opportunity to study the both the level of disaster planning and the resilience of New York City data centers. This article will examine a) what actually happened, b) what was the risk, and c) what are the lessons learned. What...

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Data Protection Audit Planning

Data Protection Audit Planning

In part one of “How to plan and execute a data protection audit,” we discussed the importance of user participation in the design process of your data audit plan. In this installment, we go into more detail about the questions you need to ask about your business...

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Hurricane Impact Assessment: Isaac in New Orleans

Hurricane Impact Assessment: Isaac in New Orleans

Now that Hurricane Isaac is in our rear-view mirror, it’s time to assess the disaster damage. We monitored and shared the New Orleans power outages on Global Data Vault blog day-by-day, but we censored the wrath pointed at local energy provider Entergy to return the...

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Loss of power during Hurricane Isaac

Loss of power during Hurricane Isaac

As Hurricane Isaac continues its slow march inland, the city of New Orleans is largely without power this afternoon. This image shows the widespread power outages in the city. It’s seems eerie that today is the seventh anniversary, if you should call it that, of...

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How to build a disaster recovery site – part 3

How to build a disaster recovery site – part 3

Whether you are outsourcing your Disaster Recovery program or keeping it in house, the steps required to implement it are critical. In this series, we’ve drafted an outline of how to build a remote Disaster Recovery site for your IT. In our previous articles, Choosing...

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Building a Disaster Recovery Site – part 2

Building a Disaster Recovery Site – part 2

What does it take to build a remote Disaster Recovery site for your IT? (Part 2 of 3) Whether you are outsourcing your Disaster Recovery program or keeping it in house, the steps required to implement it are critical. In this series, we’ve drafted an outline of how to...

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Choosing Disaster Recovery Site Location

Choosing Disaster Recovery Site Location

Disaster Recovery is one thing you hope you never need, but if you do, you’ll be very happy if you have right plan in place. Whether you are outsourcing your Disaster Recovery solution or keeping it in house, the steps required to implement it are somewhat complex,...

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Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: A Comparison

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: A Comparison

What’s the difference between Data Backup and Disaster Recovery and how do I know which I need? What it is Data backup is a method in which your computer and network files are replicated in such a way that you can reinstall them in the event of a data loss. Data...

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Disaster Recovery as a Service